Seeking God’s Face: A Devotional on 1 Chronicles 16:11

Seek the LORD and his strength; seek his face continually!

1 Chronicles 16:11


It was the culmination of a long and arduous journey. The Ark of the Covenant, the sacred symbol of God's manifest presence, was finally coming home to Jerusalem. The air was thick with anticipation, joy permeating every corner of the city. This was more than a historical event; it was a divine reunion between God and His people, Israel. Amidst the jubilant celebration, King David, the shepherd-turned-monarch, offered up a song of thanksgiving, a melody resonating with truth and faith that echoes across the centuries to our ears today.

Imagine being there, amidst the throngs of worshippers. The joyous sound of singing and music fills the air. The palpable sense of God's presence stirs hearts with holy reverence and ecstatic delight. And at the center of it all is the Ark – a tangible reminder of the covenant between Yahweh and His people. King David stands before the crowd, his voice rising above the cacophony to deliver a profound charge, one that would shape the spiritual trajectory of his people and continue to guide believers thousands of years later.

"Seek the LORD and His strength; seek His face continually." - 1 Chronicles 16:11.

This single verse, nestled within a larger hymn of praise, holds a transformative truth. It's a simple yet profound instruction, a timeless piece of wisdom that bridges the gap between the bustling streets of ancient Jerusalem and our modern world. What does it mean to seek the Lord and His strength? Why should we seek His face continually? And how does this age-old exhortation apply to our lives today? As we journey into the heart of this scriptural treasure, prepare to uncover a new depth of understanding and a fresh perspective on what it means to seek God in our daily lives. Let's delve into this exciting exploration of 1 Chronicles 16:11.

1 Chronicles 16:11 - A Devotional

The Meaning of 1 Chronicles 16:11

1 Chronicles 16:11 is a powerful verse, and it takes on even deeper meaning when considered in its immediate context, within the celebratory narrative of the return of the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. The verse reads, "Seek the LORD and His strength; seek His face continually."

The Ark's return in this chapter signifies the restoration of God's manifest presence among His people. This event is not just a historical milestone, but a profound spiritual reunion - a return to the heart of worship and relationship with God. The festivities, offerings, and music described in the preceding verses (1 Chronicles 16:1-6) set the stage for this, creating an atmosphere of joy, gratitude, and reverence for God's presence and power.

David's command to "Seek the LORD and His strength" is a call to acknowledge and lean into God's power and might, both in the grandeur of national events and the everyday experiences of individual lives. David himself knew firsthand what it meant to depend on God's strength, from his confrontation with Goliath to his reign as king amidst numerous challenges.

To "seek His face continually" is a call for ongoing, deep, intimate relationship with God. The term 'face' refers to God's presence and favor. David is urging the people to go beyond mere ritualistic worship or occasional cries for help. Instead, he is calling them to cultivate a lifestyle of continually pursuing God's presence, seeking His guidance, and reveling in His companionship.

This verse is placed within David's song of thanksgiving (1 Chronicles 16:7-36), which celebrates God's past deeds, His covenant faithfulness, and His universal reign. It serves as a response to God's demonstrated love and faithfulness: because God is who He is, we are to seek Him and His strength, we are to seek His face continually.

Lastly, the narrative of the chapter concludes with the establishment of regular worship practices (1 Chronicles 16:37-43), a practical outworking of the command to "seek His face continually."

Within the context of 1 Chronicles 16, this verse serves as a heart's response to the celebratory return of God's manifest presence (the Ark). It is a call to acknowledge God's power, to pursue a personal and intimate relationship with Him, and to make this pursuit an ongoing part of daily life. It's a timeless directive that goes beyond the immediate rejoicing and permeates every aspect of living in covenant relationship with God.

A stark illustration of this is seen in the experiences of the Israelites. When they earnestly sought God and walked in His ways, they were blessed and prospered. For instance, during the reign of King Asa of Judah, the nation enjoyed peace and prosperity because Asa did what was good and right in God's sight. He removed idols, commanded Judah to seek the Lord and obey His laws and commands (2 Chronicles 14:2-7).

In contrast, when the Israelites turned away from God, they faced hardship and exile. Prior to the Babylonian exile, despite God sending numerous prophets to turn the people back to Him, they mocked God's messengers, despised His words, and scoffed at His prophets. Consequently, they were invaded by the Babylonians, their temple was destroyed, and the survivors were taken captive to Babylon (2 Chronicles 36:15-16, 20-21).

The New Testament continues this theme with Jesus's teachings, reminding us to "seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well" (Matthew 6:33). This underscores that seeking God isn't just about appealing for His favor or benefits, but prioritizing His reign and righteousness in our lives.

Thus, the theme of 1 Chronicles 16:11 - the directive to seek God's strength and His face continually - is a golden thread running throughout the Scriptures. It's a reminder that our faith is about an active, dynamic relationship with God, where we depend on His strength and continually pursue intimacy with Him. This timeless truth, relayed to us from King David's ancient song of thanksgiving, remains profoundly relevant in guiding our spiritual walk today.


In today's fast-paced, interconnected world, where distractions are abundant, it can be challenging to maintain a focus on seeking the Lord's strength and face continually. However, this verse from 1 Chronicles 16:11 is still deeply relevant and applicable in our modern cultural context.

Seek the Lord's strength

The concept of seeking the Lord's strength can be applied in our daily lives by leaning on Him during trials, big and small. Whether you're facing a major life decision, a health crisis, or simply struggling with the stress of daily life, seeking God's strength means acknowledging your weaknesses and limitations and surrendering to His infinite power and wisdom. In a culture that often values self-reliance and independence, seeking the Lord's strength is a counter-cultural act of humility and trust.

Seek His face continually

In a digital age where we are continually bombarded with various forms of media and content, it can be hard to remember to seek God's presence. However, we can integrate seeking His face into our daily routines. Start your day with prayer, spend time reading and meditating on God's Word, take short breaks during your day to thank Him or seek His guidance. Cultivate an attitude of continual prayer, as encouraged in 1 Thessalonians 5:17. Make a habit of recognizing His presence in your life and thanking Him for His many blessings.

Moreover, seeking His face implies building a personal, intimate relationship with God. This isn't about religiosity or ticking off tasks on a spiritual to-do list; it's about truly knowing and loving God, seeking to understand His character, and aligning your life with His purposes and values. This deep, ongoing connection with God provides a grounding and perspective that can be a powerful antidote to the superficiality and consumerism that often characterizes modern culture.

So, even in our modern context, the ancient wisdom of 1 Chronicles 16:11 holds true. We are called to seek the Lord and His strength, to seek His face continually, to remain in constant communion with Him amidst the bustle and noise of the world around us.

In all we do, we're invited to know God more deeply, rely on Him more completely, and keep our hearts attuned to His presence. As we do so, we'll find that His strength and nearness are as real and life-giving today as they were for King David thousands of years ago.

Prayer for Today

Dear Heavenly Father,

In the stillness of this moment, we pause to seek Your face, and we open our hearts to Your guiding spirit. We acknowledge You as the source of all strength and the fountain of all wisdom. We thank You for the promise that when we seek You, we will find You.

Lord, in a world full of noise and distractions, help us to tune our hearts to Your voice. May we consistently seek Your presence, not just in quiet moments of reflection, but in the clamor of our daily lives. Help us to recognize You in every circumstance and every encounter.

We ask for Your strength, Lord, to meet the challenges of each day. When we are weak, may we remember that Your power is made perfect in our weakness. Help us to lean on You, to trust in Your wisdom and guidance, especially when the path before us is unclear.

Grant us the discipline to seek Your face continually. To start each day in Your word, and to carry on a constant dialogue with You in our hearts. Amidst the busyness and the hustle of life, may we cultivate a habit of pausing, listening, and responding to Your gentle whisper.

Teach us, Lord, what it truly means to seek Your face continually, and to rely on Your strength in every season of life. And as we experience Your presence and power, may our lives bear witness to Your love and grace, inspiring others to seek You, too.

In the name of Jesus, who is the perfect image of Your presence, and in whom we find limitless strength, we pray. Amen.

Reflection Questions

In what specific areas of your life do you feel the need for God's strength right now? How might you invite Him into those situations?

How can you make seeking God's face a continual practice in your daily routine? What specific changes could you implement to create space for this pursuit?

Reflect on a recent situation where you experienced God's presence or strength. How did it affect your perspective or actions in that moment, and what did you learn about God's character?

Faith Challenge

Over the next week, commit to cultivating an intentional posture of seeking God's face and strength. Begin each day with a moment of quiet reflection, prayer, or reading a portion of Scripture. As you move through your daily routine, create 'pause points' - specific moments in your day where you consciously stop, turn your focus to God, and invite His presence into your activities. This could be before meals, at the start of work or school hours, or during breaks.

Also, consciously lean on God's strength in every situation you encounter. Make it a habit to acknowledge your need for His strength, particularly in situations that challenge or frustrate you.

At the end of each day, reflect on how this intentional focus on seeking God's face and strength impacted your day. What did you notice? How did you feel? What changed in your responses to daily challenges?

Your goal is to grow in awareness of God's presence and to deepen your reliance on His strength in your everyday life. By the end of the week, note the changes you've observed in your mindset, attitude, and actions.

Nathan | Editor | Bible Lyfe

A graduate of Asbury Seminary, Nathan co-founded Christ Community Church with a fervent mission to serve the poor while making disciples of all nations. In 2017, he started Bridgetown Ventures, a ministry that empowers the marginalized to be architects of change in their own communities. In his transformative book, Storm the Gates, Nathan invites readers to embody the core values essential to fulfilling the Great Commission, serving as a clarion call for compassion, faith, and global discipleship.


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