Prayers for Anxiety


Anxiety is an emotion that many people experience in their daily lives. It can be triggered by a variety of factors, such as work stress, financial problems, health concerns, or the uncertainties of life. It's important to remember that we are not alone in our struggles. Turning to God through prayer and can help us find comfort and guidance when anxiety threatens to overwhelm us. The following prayers can be used as tools to help alleviate the burden of anxiety and bring peace to our hearts and minds.

A Prayer for Trusting God with My Anxiety

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Heavenly Father, Creator of all things, I come before You in awe of Your power and majesty. You are the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, and Your wisdom knows no bounds. Thank you for the unfathomable love You have for me, a love that sent Your Son to save me from my sins.

I confess, Lord, that I have not always trusted in You with all my heart. There have been times when I've leaned on my own understanding, thinking that I could handle the weight of the world on my own. Forgive me for doubting Your sovereignty in my life and for allowing anxiety to take root in my heart.

Thank You, Lord, for the countless blessings You've bestowed upon me. I am grateful for Your provision, protection, and guidance. You have been my Rock and my Refuge. Time and time again, You have lifted me out of the depths of despair.

Now, Father, I ask for Your help again as I struggle with anxiety. Help me to trust in You with all my heart, even when I cannot see the path before me. Remind me that You are in control, and that no challenge is too great for You to handle. Help me to submit to Your will, knowing that You will make my paths straight.

Lord, grant me the peace that passes all understanding, and calm my anxious thoughts. Replace my fears with faith, and my worries with Your comforting embrace. Help me to find rest in Your presence, for I know that You are the Good Shepherd who leads me beside still waters and restores my soul.

I ask this in the precious and mighty name of Jesus Christ, my Savior and Redeemer. Amen.

A Prayer for Overcoming Anxiety with Faith

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7

Heavenly Father, I come before You in humble gratitude for Your infinite love and unending mercy. You are my Creator, my Sustainer, and my Protector, and in You, I find hope and peace.

Lord, I acknowledge that I have allowed anxiety to take hold of me, and I have not always turned to You in times of distress. I ask for Your forgiveness and for Your grace. Help me trust in You fully, knowing that You are always by my side.

Thank You for Your countless blessings, for the love You pour into my life, and for the assurance that You will never leave me nor forsake me. I am grateful for Your unfailing support and the strength You provide when I am weak.

In this moment, I bring my anxiety before You, Lord. I ask that You help me surrender my worries and fears to You. I trust that You are good, and that you love me. Help me to remember that You hear my prayers and care deeply for me.

I pray for Your peace, a peace that surpasses all understanding, to fill my heart and my mind. Please, Lord, guard my heart and my thoughts, and help me to overcome anxiety through faith in You. Grant me the courage to face each day with confidence, knowing that Your presence is always with me, guiding and comforting me.

I ask all of this in the mighty and loving name of Jesus Christ, my Savior, and my Redeemer. Amen.